Why Is My Baby Not Crawling or Rolling? Parents Need To Test Their Baby’s Lower Trunk Side Bend


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Hey There Proactive Parents! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, your go-to pediatric physical therapy bestie, and I'm thrilled to share some invaluable insights on helping your babies move with confidence, especially in rolling and crawling!

Today, we're diving into the magical world of helping your little ones learn to roll over (or crawl!) focusing on enhancing trunk mobility in a gentle, effective way.

Grab a cozy spot, and your favorite warm beverage (my current favorite is LMNT hot chocolate with some coconut milk!) and let's embark on this journey together.

Understanding Trunk Mobility

If this is your first blog post that you’ve read on my website, you might not know this but trunk mobility is BY FAR one of my most favorite topics to explain to parents.

The reason is because it's crucial to baby development, especially as a baby learns to roll over belly to back and back to belly. It’s the first time that as a parent, you might notice that there is a struggle, if they are lacking trunk mobility.

But often, parents are not educated that their babies even need trunk mobility, let alone that it’s essential for them to have in order to roll or crawl or heck even get from sitting into all fours to attempt crawling!

If your baby tends to favor one side such as only rolling over their left arm but not their right, or struggles with pivoting on their belly to the left or right, they might have a tight muscle preventing full range of motion.

With crawling, it can limit crawling all together or it often shows up as hitch crawling or booty scooting, both of which are not ideal ways for babies to crawl (we want hands and knees on the floor, and if they’re not moving in that way, then we want to know why!).

Hitch Crawling or Janky Crawling is when a baby is crawling with both hands on the floor, but only one knee. Typically the other knee is up near their trunk and their foot is on the ground. Typically THAT side of their trunk (the side of the foot on the ground) is tight.

Booty Scooting is when babies scoot forward/backwards on their bottom. This is typically due to multiple underlying reasons, one often being trunk tightness.

But don't worry, today we’re here to learn one option for helping babies resolve this tightness!

Total Motion Release (TMR)

Total Motion Release (TMR) is a gentle, innovative approach to improving mobility without the traditional stretching methods that might cause damage to the muscles. Traditional stretching pulls on muscles to lengthen them, which can cause micro damage to the muscle fibers, often resulting in soreness.

The TMR technique focuses on utilizing your baby's easier side of movement to encourage relaxation and increased mobility on the tighter side. It's a game-changer, especially for babies, as it's non-invasive, pretty relaxing, and highly effective.

Key Points of TMR:

Focuses on the "easy" side: TMR targets the side where movement is more effortless, enhancing mobility without strain.

Gentle and effective: Unlike traditional stretching, TMR avoids potential muscle damage, making it ideal for babies.

Recommended professional evaluation: It's best to have your child evaluated by a trained provider before attempting TMR techniques at home see this list of tmr trained therapists to see if there is one in your area.

How to Test and Apply TMR

Testing Side Bending Range of Motion:

  • Lie your baby on their back

  • Use the "C" hand shape (watch video for full explanation) by placing your fingers and palm on your baby’s buttocks with your thumbs between their legs

  • Gently guide your baby's pelvis towards one side like you are sliding along the floor (do not lift at all, keep full body in contact with the floor) until their trunk makes a “C” or backwards “C” shape. If the baby’s trunk does not easily make a C shape, stop at the level of resistance.

    You may need to place your foot between their armpit and trunk on the opposite side if their upper trunk is trying to move away.

  • Identify the easier side: Observe which side your baby bends towards more comfortably, this is the easy side. If both sides go easily and make a full C shape at the trunk, the baby likely does not have any tightness in this direction. See our other directions of TMR here: category TMR link.


0:46 ways to increase range of motion
2:36 how TMR is different than stretching
4:00 testing side bending range of motion in babies
6:15 using TMR lower trunk sidebend to improve mobility
10:23 figuring out which side to do on your child
12:56 UT / LT rotation TMR release

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Applying TMR for Lower Trunk Side Bend:

Choose the easy side: Start with the side your baby naturally bends towards more easily.

Hold the position: Gently create a backward "C" shape with your baby's trunk on the easy side and hold for about two minutes, ensuring comfort and no resistance from your baby. If they kick out of it, allow them to move out of the position, distract them, and attempt again.  Focus on 2 total minutes not counting the amount of time a baby needs for a short break. 

Entertain and comfort: Offer your baby a toy or engage with funny faces and sounds to keep them calm and distracted during the hold. Teethers or small toys they can hold in their hands are great. 

Incorporate vestibular motions: Following the TMR session, gently bounce your baby for 30 seconds to a minute to help regulate their central nervous system and cement the newly gained range of motion.

Practice what’s difficult: directly after bouncing, practice a play position or milestone that is difficult such as tummy time, sidelying play, back play, rolling, all fours, getting in/out of sitting, or crawling with support.

Retest mobility: After the hold, gently test both sides again to observe any improvements in mobility.

Repeat if necessary: If the sides still aren't equal, you may repeat the hold, always ensuring your baby's comfort. Often I encourage families to complete this 2-3x/day if possible only on the easy side and always following up with 30 seconds to 1 minute of bouncing.  

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally which can be scheduled by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

When Should Babies Receive Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Parents can call and schedule with a Pediatric Physical Therapist at any time, for any concern in all fifty states without a referral from their Pediatrician.

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated in all babies who are not rolling in all four directions by six months (back to belly over their right arm AND left arm + belly to back over their right arm AND left arm).

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated if you notice a flat spot on the back of an infants head (possible plagiocephaly), a tilt of their head consistently to one side (ear to shoulder - possible torticollis), or a rotation preference of their neck (consistently look only to the right or left - possible torticollis).

Many Pediatric Physical Therapists including Dr. Baker, can successfully treat flat spots (Plagiocephaly) without a helmet with a combination of therapy and positioning strategies if seen prior to 4 months (0-3 months is ideal). Dr. Baker uses the Baby Begin Method of repositioning.

Flat spots can be due to in-utero positioning, rotational preference (right sided flatness most common) and babies are at an increased risk for flatness if they are male, were breech, multiple birth, premature, have difficulty with tummy time, or are in containers > 2 hr/day.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on taking this step towards enhancing your baby's mobility! Remember, every baby is unique, so observing and understanding their specific needs is key. If you're eager to learn more or need personalized advice, don't hesitate to reach out for a one-on-one online parent consultation. Together, we can ensure your little one moves confidently and joyously.

Remember, you're doing an amazing job, and by seeking out ways to support your baby's development, you're setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy, happy movement. Let's keep learning and growing together! If you haven’t yet, consider subscribing to the youtube channel for more support on milestones for infants to toddlers.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here's to many more milestones and joyful moments with your little ones!

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Trunk Stretching Exercises For Babies To Help Them With Rolling or Crawling


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Hi there, proactive parents! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, your pediatric physical therapy bestie, dedicated to helping proactive parents like you support their babies in moving with confidence and ease.

Today, we're diving into an essential aspect of your baby's development: trunk rotation. Understanding and fostering this ability can significantly enhance your baby's progress towards milestones such as rolling, transitioning in and out of sitting, and even future activities like walking, running, and hopping.

Let's explore why trunk rotation is crucial and share two easy exercises you can do to improve it.

Why Trunk Rotation Matters

Trunk rotation refers to the ability of the top half of your child's body to move separately from the bottom half.

This skill is vital for:

Complex Movements: It enables actions like rolling, which require the upper body to rotate in one direction while the lower body rotates in the opposite direction.

Developmental Milestones: Trunk rotation is foundational for rolling over (both ways!), sitting independently, crawling, and the more complex motions your child will eventually tackle, like jumping and hopping.

Often we need flexibility before we are able to fully utilize the muscles that allow our bodies to move in the ways we want (or need) them to.

The Importance of Stretching in Trunk Rotation

A baby's trunk can move in three main planes:

  • Side to side — like the “I'm a little teapot” dance

  • Front and back — how we walk or go up stairs

  • Rotation — think of sitting in a chair and looking behind you

For functional movements, especially rolling, your baby needs to twist one part of their trunk in one direction while the other part remains in the opposite direction.

Ensuring your baby can move equally well in both directions is crucial for their overall mobility and the development of symmetrical movement patterns aka we need babies to move equally in both directions and the same on each side.

Before we go into the exercise, we need to talk about two methods that can get us to the same destination. Before filming this video I ONLY had heard about traditional stretching, where we bring a body part to feel the stretch, hold it for at least 30 seconds, and then do the opposite side so we’re balanced.

Since this video has been published, I have been additional trained in Total Motion Release Tots or TMR Tots.

TMR uses a different approach to increase motion. It shortens the muscle to relax it, then increases body awareness through bouncing or another option. This ONLY happens on the easy side.

So going forward, you can use either of these exercises by using Traditional Stretching by doing both sides OR TMR approach where you ONLY use one side, the easy side holding for 1-2 minutes, and follow up with 30 seconds to 1 minute of bouncing.

I personally prefer the TMR approach because it feels a little like magic, babies fight it less, relax into it more, and overall I get the best results when using this option.

That being said, traditional stretching is not WRONG – it’s simply a different route to get to the same destination, I just happen to find that the TMR approach has less traffic lights :)

Ideally, regardless of which option you use, you follow up with some tummy time, sidelying play, back play, or rolling/crawling/sitting practice.

For the most comprehensive information, it’s recommended to watch the full video below.

Exercise 1: Stretching Baby's Trunk Rotation on Their Back

This first exercise is designed to improve your baby's trunk rotation while they're lying on their back. It's a gentle way to stretch and promote flexibility.

How to Do It:

  • Lay your baby on their back.

  • Gently hold under one of your baby's knees and bring it across their body towards the opposite elbow. Keep your hand resting on their same side shoulder to note when it start to lift off the ground, this shows you when you have taken up all the available range. The baby is now in trunk in rotation.

  • Repeat on the other side, noting if one side feels tighter or more challenging to stretch than the other. Only go to the baby’s available range and not past.

You can use this position to increase range of motion in the following ways if a baby shows tightness in both directions (both shoulders are off the ground) or one (just one shoulder is off the ground more than the other).

Traditional Stretching: Like it says in the video, you can hold both of these positions for 30 seconds to 2 minutes based on the baby’s attention span and tolerance. This is going to increase range of motion by pulling on the shortened tissue and you might find that the baby resists the “tight” or difficult side. This can be frustrating for parents if a baby kicks out of a position while they are trying to improve their mobility. Always allow babies to move out of positions if they are uncomfortable and never push past the level of resistance present.

TMR Tots Approach: ONLY hold the baby in the easy direction for 1-2 minutes and follow up with 30 seconds to a minute of bouncing. This often gets quicker results (you can always check both directions before/after for a quick bit but only HOLD the EASY side) because the baby is able to easily relax into the easy direction thus allowing the muscles to relax and improves in overall flexibility on both sides.

It often feels a little bit odd when I teach it to parents, but I do really like this approach and use it almost exclusively.

Exercise 2: Holding Position for Trunk Rotation

My favorite exercise doesn't require dedicated time out of your day because it can be incorporated into how you hold your baby as you go about your routine. It's a fantastic way to stretch your baby's trunk rotation while engaging with them.

How to Perform:

  • Hold your baby with their back against your chest, keeping their trunk steady against your body.

  • Slide one hand between the FRONT of your baby's legs and then rest your hand on their bottom cheek that is the same side as your arm – if your left arm is holding the baby, your other hand is going to go through the front of their legs and rest your hand on their left buttock or vice versa.

  • Gently rotate your baby's pelvis by bringing your bottom elbow backwards/behind you to the level of their available range (as far as they easily go and not past). Make sure to keep their shoulders aligned with yours (their chest does not move and they should stay vertical).
    The motion at your elbow creates a gentle twist in their trunk by moving their pelvis (think of like how you would twist out a wet wash cloth but instead of horizontal, it’s vertical).

  • Walk around, allowing your baby to see the world from this new perspective. This not only helps with trunk rotation but also provides sensory stimulation.

Traditional Stretching: Like it says in the video, you can hold both of these positions for 30 seconds to 2 minutes based on the baby’s attention span and tolerance. This is going to increase range of motion by pulling on the shortened tissue and you might find that the baby resists the “tight” or difficult side. This can be frustrating for parents if a baby kicks out of a position while they are trying to improve their mobility. Always allow babies to move out of positions if they are uncomfortable and never push past the level of resistance present.

TMR Tots Approach: ONLY hold the baby in the easy direction for 1-2 minutes and follow up with 30 seconds to a minute of bouncing. This often gets quicker results (you can always check both directions before/after for a quick bit but only HOLD the EASY side) because the baby is able to easily relax into the easy direction thus allowing the muscles to relax and improves in overall flexibility on both sides.

**to determine the easy side, use the floor exercise (exercise #1) to determine which shoulder is closest to the ground.

Right shoulder closest to ground = Right Upper Trunk Rotation is Easy = YOUR RIGHT ARM goes around their chest.

Left shoulder closest to ground = LEFT Upper Trunk Rotation is Easy = YOUR LEFT ARM goes around their chest.


0:48 what trunk rotation is needed for
1:07 why trunk rotation in babies is important and why they need to stretch in trunk rotation
3:00 exercise 1: how to stretch a baby in trunk rotation on their back
3:53 the easier way to stretch a baby in trunk rotation
4:43 exercise 2 holding position that helps stretch a baby in trunk rotation
6:00 this philosophy is different than traditional stretching and is called TMR (total motion release) for this type of release please see video here: Total Motion Release Technique for more explanations


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Understanding Trunk Rotation

Why It's Effective: These exercises stretch the upper and lower parts of the trunk in opposite directions, mirroring the essential movement patterns needed for rolling and other developmental milestones.

Why This Matters

Investing a few minutes daily in these simple exercises can make a significant difference in your baby's physical development. Trunk rotation is a cornerstone of movement, and by fostering this skill early on, you're paving the way for your baby to achieve milestones with greater ease and confidence.

Working Together for Your Baby's Best Start

If you've tried these exercises and have questions or if you're seeking more personalized guidance, I'm here for you. Check the pinned comment for a link to book a one-on-one consultation with me or schedule right here. We can dive deeper into your baby's developmental journey, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge to support their growth every step of the way.

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally which can be scheduled by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

When Should Babies Receive Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Parents can call and schedule with a Pediatric Physical Therapist at any time, for any concern in all fifty states without a referral from their Pediatrician.

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated in all babies who are not rolling in all four directions by six months (back to belly over their right arm AND left arm + belly to back over their right arm AND left arm).

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated if you notice a flat spot on the back of an infants head (possible plagiocephaly), a tilt of their head consistently to one side (ear to shoulder - possible torticollis), or a rotation preference of their neck (consistently look only to the right or left - possible torticollis).

Many Pediatric Physical Therapists including Dr. Baker, can successfully treat flat spots (Plagiocephaly) without a helmet with a combination of therapy and positioning strategies if seen prior to 4 months (0-3 months is ideal). Dr. Baker uses the Baby Begin Method of repositioning.

Flat spots can be due to in-utero positioning, rotational preference (right sided flatness most common) and babies are at an increased risk for flatness if they are male, were breech, multiple birth, premature, have difficulty with tummy time, or are in containers > 2 hr/day.

Final Thoughts

As parents, taking the time to understand and support your baby's development is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Trunk rotation is just one piece of the developmental puzzle, but it's a critical one. By incorporating these simple exercises into your daily routine, you're not only bonding with your baby but also actively contributing to their future success in rolling, crawling, and beyond.

Thank you for joining me on this journey to support your baby's development. Remember, you're doing an incredible job, and I'm here to support you. Stay tuned for more tips and insights to help your baby move with confidence and ease! If you haven’t yet, consider subscribing to the youtube channel for more videos for baby to toddler development.

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How to Test A Baby’s Trunk Flexibility With This Rolling and Crawling Exercise


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Hello there, proactive parents! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, a pediatric physical therapist, here to share some valuable insights into your baby's development.

Think of me as your pediatric PT bestie for all things related to helping your little ones move with confidence and ease. Today, we're diving into a topic that's both fascinating and crucial for your baby's growth: trunk mobility.

To be honest, it sounds kind of boring, but let me tell you – once you know about it, you will be able to unlock secret, hidden blocks that your baby might be experiencing if rolling or crawling is a struggle.

So, let's get started on this journey together!

Introduction to Trunk Mobility in Babies

You might not realize it, but trunk mobility is a big deal for babies. It's the foundation upon which many gross motor milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking are built.

However, many parents aren't aware that babies can have restrictions in their trunk, leading to a preference for moving in one direction or not being able to access the motion necessary in both directions, causing them to stay in one position like sitting or lying on their back.

This can cause muscle imbalances and make those milestones especially rolling and crawling more challenging than necessary.

Why It Matters to Test A Baby’s Trunk Flexibility

Muscle Imbalances: Tightness in the trunk can lead to asymmetrical movement patterns (this means that one side moves well, while the other doesn’t), potentially impacting your baby's ability to reach milestones smoothly. This can also occur globally if babies are tight in both directions.

Gross Motor Milestones: Proper trunk mobility is essential for rolling back to belly and belly to back, sitting independently, crawling, and eventually walking.

Quick Trunk Mobility Test: Elbow to Knee

For the most comprehensive information and examples on a baby please watch the youtube video below.

I'm excited to share a simple mobility test that you can do at home to check for trunk tightness or decreased mobility in your infant. This test can reveal if there's a significant difference in mobility from one side to the other.

How to Perform the Infant Trunk Mobility Test

Positioning: Gently place your baby on their back, then grasp under their left knee with one hand and behind their elbow with your other.

Movement: Gently hold beneath your baby's elbow and try to touch it to the opposite knee, only going as far as their resistance allows (never pushing past their resistance and always stopping when there is no more slack available).

Notice the motion of the knee coming to the elbow occurs at your baby's pelvis not their actual hip joint. The bottom of the baby should lift up into flexion (baby’s back and bottom are rounded).

Observation: Notice if one side seems easier or more difficult for your baby compared to the other. If one side the elbow and knee easily come together, touching or almost touching but the opposite is 3-4 inches a part, note the side that is difficult and approximately how far away the knee is from the elbow.


2:32 Test for Babys Trunk Flexibility
3:14 indepth breakdown of how to complete the test
4:27 what this means and how it could impact crawling or rolling


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Understanding the Infant Trunk Mobility Test Results

If you find that there's a noticeable difference between the two sides, it might indicate trunk restrictions. This doesn't mean your baby won't hit their milestones, but they might face more difficulties.

It is important to note trunk restrictions, especially if a baby if struggling with a functional task, in their cases movement milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, or walking.

What Differences Mean and How to Break Them Down

Every child is different, so the follow is a typical understanding of movement limitations; however, not every single child will present this way and it’s important to note how your child is moving and if there is any tightness present AND difficulty with milestones, to reach out to a pediatric PT to further assist in resolving.

Right Elbow – Left Knee is difficult or not as close: This is likely due to decreased range of motion or mobility in the right rotation of the upper trunk and/or left side bend of the lateral trunk (upper and/or lower trunk).

Babies may experience difficulty with:

  • Back to belly over the left arm

  • Belly to back over the right arm

  • Pivoting on their belly to the left

  • Sit to all fours to the right

  • Crawling on all fours

They may also present with Hitch crawling with R foot on the ground and L knee on the ground

Left Elbow – Right Knee is difficult or not as close: This likely is due to decreased range of motion or mobility in the left rotation of the upper trunk and/or right sidebend of the lateral trunk (upper and/or lower trunk).

Babies may experience difficulty with:

  • Back to belly over the left arm

  • Belly to back over the right arm

  • Pivoting on their belly to the right

  • Sit to all fours to the left

  • Crawling on all fours

They may also present with Hitch crawling with L foot on the ground and R knee on the ground

Both are difficult or pretty far apart > 1 inch: Babies may show difficulty in back to belly / belly to back / crawling / or transitioning in/out of all fours. They may also be okay with one direction but not all directions ie back to belly or belly to back over one arm but not in all four directions (belly to back over R arm, belly to back over L arm, back to belly over R arm, back to belly over L arm).

They may also present with booty scooting or prolonged army crawling, because these positions do not require side to side (side bend) or rotation directions.

If You Notice Asymmetries

Seek Professional Help: A pediatric physical therapist can provide hands-on assessment and personalized strategies for babies or speaking to a pediatric physical therapist through an online parent consultation can help you understand the movement that your child is presenting with and assist in finding either proactive play strategies or providers in your area.

Don't Panic: Consider any limitations as a data point to be proactive rather than a cause for alarm. Often, these “tests” are orthopedic in nature indicating that the baby is struggling with muscle tightness, not necessarily difficulty in coordinating the movement together.

Pediatric physical therapists can help you figure out any red flags for development if you do have more global concerns.

The Impact of Infant Trunk Mobility on Development

Restrictions in trunk mobility can influence various developmental milestones because these activities require multi-plane movements, such as rotating the trunk while also bending at the trunk, while fighting gravity.

Rolling is the most specific milestone in which trunk rotation and side bending can significantly limit a baby’s experience and achievement of movement milestones. See the Learning to Roll book, that I released in October 2023 for a comprehensive guide to improve trunk mobility and master tummy time and rolling in all four directions.

When a baby is beginning to sit independently they need trunk mobility is key to maintaining balance and posture, trunk mobility allows the muscles to turn on and off in sequence during different demands of gravity such as reaching to the front or side.

When babies move from their back to sitting and sitting to all fours, they need both side bending and rotation in order to do it. Most babies who struggle with rotation, begin to choose alternative, disadvantageous movement patterns such as booty scooting instead of crawling on all fours.

This is often due to them not having the available movement and with focused intention and support, they can often achieve crawling on hands and knees.

If you're concerned about your baby's trunk mobility or just want to ensure they're on the right track, remember, I'm here to help, you can schedule an online parent consultation at any time.

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally which can be scheduled by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

When Should Babies Receive Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Parents can call and schedule with a Pediatric Physical Therapist at any time, for any concern in all fifty states without a referral from their Pediatrician.

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated in all babies who are not rolling in all four directions by six months (back to belly over their right arm AND left arm + belly to back over their right arm AND left arm).

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated if you notice a flat spot on the back of an infants head (possible plagiocephaly), a tilt of their head consistently to one side (ear to shoulder - possible torticollis), or a rotation preference of their neck (consistently look only to the right or left - possible torticollis).

Many Pediatric Physical Therapists including Dr. Baker, can successfully treat flat spots (Plagiocephaly) without a helmet with a combination of therapy and positioning strategies if seen prior to 4 months (0-3 months is ideal). Dr. Baker uses the Baby Begin Method of repositioning.

Flat spots can be due to in-utero positioning, rotational preference (right sided flatness most common) and babies are at an increased risk for flatness if they are male, were breech, multiple birth, premature, have difficulty with tummy time, or are in containers > 2 hr/day.

Final Thoughts

Your role in your baby's developmental journey is monumental, and by being proactive, you're setting the stage for their future success. If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out. If you haven’t yet, please consider subscribing to the youtube channel or share it with a parent friend.

Together, we can ensure your baby moves with confidence and joy!

Thank you for joining me today, and remember, you're doing an incredible job as a parent. Stay tuned for more tips and insights to support your baby's growth and development!

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rolling, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, books, youtube, TMR lauren baker rolling, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, books, youtube, TMR lauren baker

26 Videos to Help Answer “How Can I Encourage My Baby to Roll?”


this blog contains affiliate links

This blog post is a combination of videos that can help you learn how to encourage your baby to roll over. A lot of parents find helping their babies roll over to be really frustrating and often it is because they aren’t taught the building blocks necessary for babies to do it on their own.

Some babies learn all the building blocks without help but a lot of babies don’t, which is why educating parents is so important to me. If we can help babies master rolling, we can decrease the risk they will skip crawling, and improve the ease of learning academic skills in the process.

Here is a list of all 26 videos that can help you solve, “how do I encourage my baby to roll.”

General Rolling Information

  1. Is Your Infant Not Rolling Over? How To Help Your Baby Learn To Roll Over

  2. Tummy Time Parent Resource | Tummy Time & Learning to Roll Q&A + Book Launch

  3. Toy Ideas for Rolling: 13 Exercises For Baby Using Bells From The Dollar Store

  4. Book on How to Do Tummy Time | Tummy Time and Learning to Roll Unboxing

  5. When Should A Baby Roll Over? | Tummy Time & Learning To Roll Live

  6. Is Rolling Over A Milestone? | Tummy Time Book For Parents

  7. Is Your Baby Sitting But Not Rolling Over? | Best Book on Baby Development

    Rolling Belly to Back AND Back to Belly

  8. How To Stretch Babys Neck Muscles | Backbends on a Stability Ball

  9. Get Your Baby Rolling Over With The Baby Tornado Exercise

  10. How to Improve Head Control in Babies with Pull To Sit Exercise

  11. Total Motion Release Technique for Babies: Upper Trunk and Lower Trunk

  12. Learn How To Stretch a Baby in Trunk Rotation For Crawling or Rolling (traditional stretching not TMR)

  13. Why My Baby Is Not Crawling or Rolling: Test Lower Trunk Side Bend [TMR]

  14. How To Stretch Baby Trunk Rotation In Sitting: Upper Trunk Rotation [great for older babies 5 months+]

  15. How To Test A Babys Trunk Flexibility - Do This For Crawling and Rolling

  16. How to Check Neck Strength in Infants | Torticollis Explained

  17. Simple Tips to Make Baby Side Lying Play Easier | Must Do Activity

  18. How to Check Baby Neck Motion for Signs of Torticollis in Your Baby

    Rolling Belly to Back

  19. How To Help Infant Learn To Roll Over Using A Trunk Rotation Exercise [belly to back especially]

  20. Baby Arm Strengthen Exercises For Rolling Belly To Back

  21. How To Teach Baby To Roll Over Back To Belly With TMR Release

  22. Why a 5 Month Old Baby Cant Roll From Tummy to Back | Learning to Roll Book for Parents

    Rolling Back to Belly

  23. Physical Therapy Exercises For 3 Month Old: Posterior Pelvic Tilt

  24. Why Cant My Baby Roll Back to Belly | Rolling Baby Development Book

  25. Exercises for Newborn Babies and Other Ways to Strengthen a Babys Neck

  26. Easy Exercises to Help Your Baby Roll Over Back to Belly

For the most updated information and all the videos (including ones that are posted after the creation of this blog post), click the video below or go straight to the playlist here.

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally which can be scheduled by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.


When Should Babies Receive Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Parents can call and schedule with a Pediatric Physical Therapist at any time, for any concern in all fifty states without a referral from their Pediatrician.

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated in all babies who are not rolling in all four directions by six months (back to belly over their right arm AND left arm + belly to back over their right arm AND left arm).

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated if you notice a flat spot on the back of an infants head (possible plagiocephaly), a tilt of their head consistently to one side (ear to shoulder - possible torticollis), or a rotation preference of their neck (consistently look only to the right or left - possible torticollis).

Many Pediatric Physical Therapists including Dr. Baker, can successfully treat flat spots (Plagiocephaly) without a helmet with a combination of therapy and positioning strategies if seen prior to 4 months (0-3 months is ideal). Dr. Baker uses the Baby Begin Method of repositioning.

Flat spots can be due to in-utero positioning, rotational preference (right sided flatness most common) and babies are at an increased risk for flatness if they are male, were breech, multiple birth, premature, have difficulty with tummy time, or are in containers > 2 hr/day.

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Total Motion Release for Babies: Relieve Infant Tension to Improve Motor Milestones

release infant tension using the total motion release technique focusing on improving rotation to help babies learn to roll

this blog contains affiliate links

Hello there! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, a pediatric physical therapist. Through this blog, I'm excited to share with you an effective technique known as Total Motion Release (TMR) that I've found incredibly beneficial for babies. My aim is to guide proactive parents like you in helping your little ones release tension and move with ease. Consider me your physical therapy bestie helping you help your babies move well. 

What is Total Motion Release (TMR)?

Total Motion Release is a concept that is based in osteopathic medicine called the modified strain counterstrain principle. In simpler terms, it's about shortening a muscle to help it relax, thereby gaining range of motion in the opposite direction.

This technique is gentler than traditional stretching methods, which involve lengthening the muscle, creating that resistance you feel in your muscles when you stretch. In TMR, we do the opposite - we shorten the muscle, which is especially effective for babies due to its gentle nature.

Traditional stretching sometimes is less effective in infants, because when they feel the resistance of a tight muscles being “stretched”  or “lengthened,” they may interpret that as dangerous and instead of relaxing, they can tense up.  

Modified strain counterstain principles such as total motion release, use a positional release construct where you ONLY shorten the muscle, going into the easy direction or side, which allows the babies to continue to say calm and relaxed, since they are not feeling that resistance. 

It sounds counter-intuitive but truthfully, it often achieves amazing and often quick results. 

Why TMR for Babies?

Gentleness: It's far gentler compared to stretching, making it ideal for infants.

Effectiveness: It achieves the same goal of increased range of motion but in a more comfortable way for the baby.

Upper and Lower Trunk Rotation in TMR

In today's post, we'll focus on the upper and lower trunk rotation aspects of TMR. Babies bodies need to be able to twist in opposite directions equally.  Their upper half of their body needs to go to the right, while their lower half of their body goes to the left easily as well as the opposite of those directions. 

Think of wringing out a wet towel, you twist your right hand and left hand in opposite directions to squeeze out the water.  Babies' bodies need to be able to twist like that in order to achieve their milestones such as rolling over (both directions) and getting into all fours to crawl.  

Before You Start

Professional Evaluation: Ensure your baby is evaluated by a licensed therapist (physiotherapist or physical therapist) trained in TMR before trying these techniques.  Total Motion Release for babies taught by Susan Blum, utilizes multiple principles.  This video covers one simple positional release technique and should not be confused with Total Motion Release as a treatment option.  To find a therapist trained in total motion release, please search here

Direction of Ease: Your therapist will guide you on the correct direction of rotation for your baby. For positional release techniques using the TMR principles, you will ONLY hold the direction of ease. 

The Techniques: watch the video down below to ensure that you are doing it correctly and to learn even more in detailed why this technique works well for infants. 

Upper Trunk / Lower Trunk TMR Technique

Positioning: One hand supports under the baby's arms around their chest, and the other hand goes through the baby's legs with your hand being placed on their buttocks that is the same side as the arm you are using (if your right arm is around their chest, you will rest your hand on their right buttocks/pelvis and vice versa) .

Rotation: Gently rotate the baby's upper and lower trunk in the direction of ease by bringing the elbow of the arm that is through the legs backwards and holding their trunk steady against your chest. Only complete to the level of resistance and not past. 

Duration: Spend 1-3 minutes in this position, depending on the baby’s tolerance and then follow up with 30 seconds to 1 minute of bouncing to “lock in” the newly gained motion.


1:03 what is total motion release (TMR)
2:53 why the total motion release technique for babies is ideal for increasing range of motion
4:29 what not to do when using total motion release techniques for babies
5:09 what to do if a baby switches directions
5:37 RR upper trunk / LR lower trunk total motion release technique
7:13 LR upper trunk / RR lower trunk total motion release technique
8:17 safety tips and explanation of tmr upper twist lower twist technique
10:03 additional tips for upper twist lower twist TMR tots release technique


🍼 Best Toys for Babies 

👶 Best Toys for Rolling

⛱️ Best Toys for Crawling

What Not to Do

Avoid Both Sides: Don’t work on both sides as you would in stretching. Stick to the direction of ease as advised by your therapist. If you do both sides, it isn’t as effective and instead of completing a positional release using TMR principles, you would be completing traditional stretching.

Handling: Always handle the baby gently, focusing on the pelvis and lower back, not the hip joints.

Additional Tips

Movement: Feel free to gently bounce or move around during the technique. I often bring them toward a window or walk around with them in my arms throughout the house. 

Observation: Watch for the baby's cues. If they show discomfort, ease off. Never hold a baby in a position if they are trying to kick out of it, always allow them to move out of the position and then once they are calm, re-attempt. 

Frequency: Aim for a 2-minute session followed by 30 seconds of gentle bouncing.

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally which can be scheduled by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

When Should Babies Receive Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Parents can call and schedule with a Pediatric Physical Therapist at any time, for any concern in all fifty states without a referral from their Pediatrician.

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated in all babies who are not rolling in all four directions by six months (back to belly over their right arm AND left arm + belly to back over their right arm AND left arm).

Pediatric Physical Therapy is medically indicated if you notice a flat spot on the back of an infants head (possible plagiocephaly), a tilt of their head consistently to one side (ear to shoulder - possible torticollis), or a rotation preference of their neck (consistently look only to the right or left - possible torticollis).

Many Pediatric Physical Therapists including Dr. Baker, can successfully treat flat spots (Plagiocephaly) without a helmet with a combination of therapy and positioning strategies if seen prior to 4 months (0-3 months is ideal). Dr. Baker uses the Baby Begin Method of repositioning.

Flat spots can be due to in-utero positioning, rotational preference (right sided flatness most common) and babies are at an increased risk for flatness if they are male, were breech, multiple birth, premature, have difficulty with tummy time, show signs of Torticollis (tilt/rotation preference) or are in containers > 2 hr/day.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide helps you understand and apply the Total Motion Release technique for your little one. It's essential to always prioritize gentleness and follow the guidance of a trained professional. If you have questions or want to learn more about pediatric mobility, feel free to reach out or schedule a consultation with me.

Remember, every baby's journey is unique, and your proactive approach in understanding and aiding their movement is invaluable. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on various stages of your baby's movement development – crawling, walking, rolling, and more!

Look down below for more resources on rolling or click on the blog post page if your baby is working on a different milestone such as crawling. 

And that's it, friends! If you find this helpful, let me know in the comments of the youtube video. I love interacting with parents committed to their children's well-being. Here's to a journey of gentle, effective proactive play for your little ones! 🌟

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Prevent Avoidable Motor Delays: How To Test Your Baby's Trunk Mobility


this blog contains affiliate links

Hello! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, a pediatric physical therapist. Today, I'm thrilled to share insights on one of the most crucial aspects of your baby's development - trunk rotation. This aspect of movement plays a pivotal role in milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking and it’s one of the least known aspects of movement and baby development in the parent world. Today, we are going to change that!

Why Is Upper Trunk Rotation Important?

Upper trunk rotation is essential for your baby's overall mobility. It's the foundation for many activities, including the ability to roll over, going from lying on the ground to sitting up, going from sitting to crawling, and it is even needed when we walk.

When we talk about trunk rotation, we're referring to the upper half of the body moving independently from the lower half, this of sitting in a chair and twisting your shoulders to look behind you (your upper half is moving but your lower half isn’t). This movement is crucial for maintaining our position against gravity, for getting in and out of positions, and for combining motions which we need for complex movements like walking and crawling.

Assessing Trunk Rotation in Babies

To ensure your baby is developing symmetrically and has mobility equally side to side, it's vital to assess their upper trunk rotation. When doing this, we're looking for equal movement on both sides. A limitation on one side can affect how your baby moves, potentially leading to preferences that might impact their development down the line.

Tightness in one direction can also lead to avoidance of movement in that direction, which is often why you see babies choose to only roll to one side (if we know what is limiting them, we can help them fix it! And then they can roll equally to both sides).

Baby Mobility Exercises: Enhancing Trunk Rotation

To encourage healthy trunk rotation in your baby, first try to see if your baby’s upper trunk can go equally in both directions. While they are sitting between your legs, gently move their upper body from forward to the right, stopping when you feel resistance (this is as far as you should go) and then forward to the left, again stopping when you feel resistance.

Watch the video below start to finish for the most comprehensive explanation and demonstration or click on the hyperlink to go directly to the exercise to watch in order to make sure you do it correctly!


1:27 why upper trunk rotation and baby trunk rotation is important

4:52 straddle baby trunk rotation assessment

5:17 ring sit baby trunk rotation assessment

6:23 baby between parent's legs baby trunk rotation assessment


Best Toys for Babies

Best Toys for Rolling

Trunk Weakness in Babies: Spotting and Addressing It

If you notice that your baby struggles with trunk rotation (typically you will feel resistance or they will express displeasure in that direction) or they seem to favor one side, it might indicate trunk weakness or tightness. Weakness and tightness are often companions, as a tight muscle is also a weak muscle, so sometimes when we increase the range and resolve the tightness, we then have to strengthen those muscles.

However, if you do not notice your baby has tightness when doing the upper trunk screen, but they do still show a preference, they could have weakness in the muscles that are needed to go in the direction they are avoiding. Weakness can be associated with tightness or it can be the only thing affecting the child.

It's important to be aware if your baby is experiencing trunk weakness. Signs of this can include a lack of balance in sitting, difficulty in holding themselves up (normal sitting age is 6-9 months), or favoring one side (if their little body forms a “C” shape in lying down or sitting). If you notice any of these signs, incorporating specific exercises can help strengthen their trunk muscles, see the youtube core strengthening playlist here.

What Is a Baby's Trunk, and Why Is Its Control Vital?

The trunk is the body's core, including the chest and abdomen. Trunk control is essential for stability and forms the basis of all movement. A strong trunk enables your baby to explore the world more confidently. Babies need full mobility of their trunk in order to build or access the full strength of their core, which is why assessing upper trunk rotation in infants is so important.

Regularly assessing your baby's trunk control (strength and mobility) can provide valuable insights into their development. Look for whether they have mastered rolling back to belly (right and left), belly to back (right and left), how well they hold themselves up when sitting, their reactions to gentle movements (do they throw themselves back or collapse forward when sitting), and their ability to engage in playful activities that involve twisting, such as bringing both hands to one side in sitting.

Crossing the Midline: A Cognitive and Physical Milestone

An interesting aspect of trunk rotation is its connection to cognitive development. When babies learn to cross the midline (bringing both hands from one side of the body to the other), they're not only enhancing their physical abilities but also strengthening neural pathways in the brain.

These pathways help with future academic milestones such as reading and writing. When babies have trunk tightness, they might avoid crossing midline in one or both directions, which can decrease their opportunities to develop and strengthen these pathways. This can lead to them being at a disadvantage compared to their same age, non-restricted peers.

Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercises for Babies

Incorporating pediatric physical therapy exercises into your baby's routine can be a game-changer. Simple activities like rolling over exercises and trunk control exercises can boost their development significantly.

Making sure that you resolve any tightness by completing the associated releases/stretches is equally important. If you ever find that the tightness is not resolving or you need assistance, reaching out to a local pediatric physical therapist can be the best, most effective thing for you and your baby. See our list of mobile pediatric physical therapists here.

Trunk Movement in Infants: Encouraging Healthy Development

Encouraging various trunk movements is key to your baby's development. This includes exercises that promote rotating, an easy switch in most families routines is to place toys to the side of the child instead of always in front.

This encourages the child to reach to the side and also bring both hands to the side (rotating at their trunk) in order to manipulate or grab the toy. It’s okay to start with the easy side and then build up to adding in the hard side (or assisting with the hard side and letting them do the easy side). Each of these movements contributes to a well-rounded and robust physical development.

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about their movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development. Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally and Pediatric Physical Therapy in Boise, ID and the Treasure Valley – by clicking to the appointment tab or by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

Final Thoughts: Empowering Your Baby’s Journey

Remember, every baby develops at their own pace, and what's important is providing them with opportunities to explore and strengthen their abilities. By incorporating these simple exercises and being mindful of their trunk rotation, you're setting your baby up for a lifetime of confident movement, as well as decreasing the risk of difficulty with crawling on hands and knees.

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rolling, 3-6 months, books, youtube, 0-3 months, TMR lauren baker rolling, 3-6 months, books, youtube, 0-3 months, TMR lauren baker

Total Motion Release Technique: How To Teach Baby To Roll Over Back To Belly

How to teach baby to roll over back to belly using a total motion release technique

this blog post contains affiliate links

Hello everyone! I'm Dr. Lauren Baker, your pediatric physical therapy bestie, and I'm thrilled to share with you some insights from my world of helping babies move better.

In my recent YouTube video, I dove into a Total Motion Release Technique designed for little ones and in this blog post, I hope to empower you, and all proactive parents, with the knowledge and skills to assist your babies in achieving fluid, confident movements as they begin to master rolling back to belly AND belly to back.

The Importance of Rolling: A Developmental Milestone

Rolling over is more than just a cute trick; it's a crucial developmental milestone for babies. It involves complex coordination and strength, marking a significant step in your child's growth journey.

However, some babies develop a preference for rolling in one direction, often due to tightness in their lower or upper trunk. This is where Total Motion Release (TMR) techniques can help, because sometimes the mobility limitation is the only thing holding a baby back from rolling in all four directions.

TMR: A Different Approach to Mobility

TMR is fascinating because it approaches mobility differently than traditional stretching. Instead of elongating tissues, TMR focuses on shortening them to promote relaxation and improve range of motion.

It is amazing for babies, because often babies don’t understand that their body is safe when they feel that resistance that can occur with traditional stretching.

Often, they will counter-intuitively tighten up when they feel that resistance of a tight muscle and thus limit the mobility that we are able to achieve. One of the more strange things that confuses parents with TMR, is that we interestingly, only work on the 'tight' or 'easy' side, which might seem counterintuitive, but it yields remarkable results.

My Experience with a Special Little Client

In my video, I demonstrated TMR with a baby experiencing right-sided lower trunk tightness, hindering her ability to roll over her right arm from back to belly. Using TMR, we focused on the right side, holding it for a few minutes, followed by vestibular exercises like gentle bouncing (while she was being held).

This combination not only addresses the tightness but also helps the baby's body integrate and understand the new range of motion. Once we finished both of those, we worked on rolling over, which you will be able to notice in the video that is much better directly afterward.

One of the core principles of TMR, is that you not only want to increase range of motion (that both sides of their bodies can go the same distance) but also that you make it functional by working on a skill directly afterward, like in this case: rolling.

In the video, I also demonstrate what it would look like to work on the other side if a baby was experiencing tightness on the left side.

Engaging the Baby: The Art of Distraction

Working with babies means expecting the unexpected! Not all babies are calm during therapy sessions, and that's perfectly normal. The key is to keep them engaged and happy. This might mean playing with their toes, singing songs, or introducing different toys.

The goal is to maintain their comfort while working on the techniques. In the video, you can watch as I use a few of my favorite techniques to keep this little one engaged and calm.

Assessing and Addressing Tightness

Identifying which side to work on is crucial. I often find that if a baby struggles to side bend on one side (think the “I’m a little teapot” motion), the opposite side might be tighter.

In the video, I demonstrated how to assess this on both sides, so that you have everything you need to screen your own baby. The TMR technique I used involved gentle side bending, moving their pelvis toward their elbow, ensuring not to push beyond the baby's natural resistance [make sure to watch the video or check out my book linked below to see exactly what to do!].

The Rewarding Outcome

The transformation post-TMR is always fun to watch. The baby I worked with showed a significant improvement in her ability to roll smoothly from back to belly and vice versa. She became more motivated and engaged in her movements, which is exactly what we aim for.

If I could educate parents on ANY milestone and encourage them to take just ONE seriously that could have the biggest impact on their child’s overall progress toward movement it would be rolling.

Often if a baby does not roll in all four directions, they are at a risk for struggling with crawling, but if they use all four directions of rolling they are at a much lower risk of struggling with future milestones.


0:00 introduction
1:09 why babies need to roll in both directions belly to back and back to belly
2:38 how total motion release (TMR Release) is different than traditional stretching to increase mobility for babies to learn how to roll over back to belly
4:37 TMR Release Lower Trunk Sidebend to increase baby's ability to roll over back to belly
6:20 assessing which side to complete in lower trunk sidebend TMR release
8:07 example of TMR Release Lower Trunk Sidebend in Supine to help parents learn how to teach baby to roll over back to belly
12:53 improvement in teaching baby to roll over back to belly
15:17 how to work 1:1 with Dr. Lauren Baker, PT


Black and White Book - https://amzn.to/3iN5oZX
Black and White Rattles - https://amzn.to/3wnhKuE
Sensory Stick Teether - https://amzn.to/3D26pEn
Teething Rings - https://amzn.to/3HkLOxu
Teething Rings - https://amzn.to/3XJikyz
Teething Ring With Shapes - https://amzn.to/3iTTVru
Teething Ring With Shapes (Girl) - https://amzn.to/3QRVEKv
24 Pack Teething Rings - https://amzn.to/3ku1eqb
Freezer Safe Teething Rings (Fruit) - https://amzn.to/3WsdYuS
Pacifier - https://amzn.to/3WvWmOt

Curious About Learning More on Tummy Time, Rolling, or Both? 

The absolute best book for parents on tummy time and rolling is: Tummy Time and Learning to Roll: A Baby Development Book for Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Learn to Roll Independently.  The book comes with a free online video course to help parents fully understand how to complete the different exercises, printable checklists to know exactly where your baby is at, and when to reach out for additional help. 

This book was written by Dr. Lauren Baker, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, who is a Pediatric Physical Therapist in Boise, Idaho, trained in helping parents learn how to help their babies move and master their milestones. She loves teaching parents how to see how their babies are moving as well as how to influence those movements though play positions and exercises to help babies move with confidence and ease.  

Tummy Time and Learning to Roll is the first book in the Proactive Play series written by Pediatric Physical Therapist Dr. Lauren Baker in order to help Ambitious Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers learn how to help babies master tummy time and learn to roll. It is meant to help ambitious parents understand baby development from birth to six months (tummy time to rolling).

This book is a mix of easy-to-follow and more in-depth information than is typically found in baby development books because Dr. Baker believes parents deserve to have all the information at their fingertips.

This book breaks down each piece of movement in checklists so that parents know what their babies need for tummy time and rolling. It also covers what areas might limit a child with rolling, why it is so important, and when to seek help from a pediatric PT.

This book comes with colored photos and easy-to-follow demonstration videos that can help parents implement safe, strategic play-based exercises with their babies in 20 minutes per day.

A Great Resource For:

  • Parents and Pediatric Healthcare Providers of babies 0-6 months

  • Parents of babies who are struggling with tummy time, rolling back to belly, belly to back, or only to one side

  • Access to simple, easy-to-follow videos of play positions and exercises

  • Learning the four pillars of movement needed in order to master rolling

  • 240+ Color Photo Examples of:

    • Tummy Time, Sidelying, and Back Play

    • Developmental Toys and Equipment

    • Hand Placement and Strategic Play Positions

    • Common Areas of Restriction or Weakness

    • When To Reach Out For Help

What If You Want Extra Help?

If you have concerns about your baby’s movement, remember, you can always reach out to a pediatric physical therapist. It's your right as a parent to advocate for your child's development.

Sometimes, a few tips and tricks are all you need to get your baby moving better. We're here to support you and release those mama worries. If you are looking for in home pediatric physical therapy, check our listing of therapists.

I am on a mission to educate parents on proactive ways to aid their babies' movement development. If you've found this topic intriguing and wish to learn more about Total Motion Release or other strategies to assist your baby's rolling and other milestones, I encourage you to reach out for a consultation. Together, we can ensure that your little one embarks on their movement journey with confidence and ease.

For those eager to learn more or seeking personalized guidance, I offer online video parent consultations internationally and Pediatric Physical Therapy in Boise, ID and the Treasure Valley – both of which you can book by going to the appointment tab or by clicking here. I am dedicated to answering questions and providing tailored play activities for each unique developmental journey.

Final Thoughts

As a pediatric physical therapist, I find immense joy in helping little ones discover their full movement potential. Remember, every baby is unique, and their journey to milestones like rolling, sitting independently, and crawling will be just as individual.

Your involvement and understanding of techniques like TMR can make a significant difference in their development. Proactive Parents truly can influence how their children move when given the right amount of information and being shown how all the movements they are focusing on helping their littles achieve fit together.

I hope this post has given you a better understanding of how Total Motion Release can benefit your baby. I'm here to be your guide and support in this wonderful, albeit sometimes challenging, journey of parenthood. Let's help our little ones move with confidence and joy!

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The 6 Areas A Baby Needs To Master To Learn To Crawl and Exercises To Help

text babies need 6 things before they learn to do this, picture of baby crawling

There are 6 things babies need to be able to do in order to learn how to crawl. If a baby is struggling with crawling, it is essential to focus on these six areas to ensure that kiddos who are struggling with crawling have the essential building blocks that children need to master in order to progress toward crawling.

If a child struggles in any or multiple areas, they may not crawl and instead move in less ideal ways such as booty scooting, hitch crawling, or army crawling for longer than one month.

The six areas a baby needs to master are:

1. Upper Trunk Strength 

2. Upper Trunk Mobility

3. Lower Trunk Strength

4. Lower Trunk Mobility

5. Core Strength

6. Crawling Specific Motions

If you’re curious about why each of these areas is important, make sure to watch all of the videos linked down below where I explain exactly how each of these exercises can help a child progress to hands and knees crawling.

For Exercises, it's best to focus on at least one exercise per section for the week.  I tell the families I work with to focus on 3 exercises or 20 minutes per day with some extra exercises on the weekends or on days when parents find that they have more time.  

Each exercise is either 2-5 minutes or about 10 reps, however, it is okay to tailor it to a baby’s specific tolerance and then increase by 2-3 repetitions or 15-30 seconds each day or week as available/tolerated. 

*exercise listed in more than one section

Mobility of the Upper Trunk

  1. Seated Upper Trunk Mobility

  2. Transitioning from sitting to all fours*

  3. Upper Trunk / Lower Trunk Release*

Mobility of the Lower Trunk

  1. Upper Trunk / Lower Trunk Release*

  2. Abdominal Stretching / Neck Stretching

  3. Side Sitting*

Strengthening of Upper Trunk

  1. Baby Planks (goal 15-30 sec at a time)

  2. Baby Wheelbarrow (goal 3-5 feet without collapsing)

  3. Weight Bearing Through Arms on Elevated Play Surfaces (coming soon)

Strengthening of Lower Trunk

  1. Side Sitting

  2. Tall Kneeling / Tall Kneeling on Incline Toy (coming soon)

  3. Pull to Stand at Activity Table / Pull to Stand at Couch or Small Table

  4. Baby Toddler Squat

Core Strengthening

  1. Supine to Sidelying to Sit (side core muscles)

  2. Supine to Sit (if #1 is too difficult)

  3. Bench Sitting

  4. Advanced Bench Sitting

Crawling Training

  1. Transitioning from Sitting to Crawling 

  2. Rocking on all fours

  3. Reaching in all fours

  4. Supported Crawling

Crawling on hands and knees is a significantly important milestone, maybe even the most important milestone for all around holistic long term development.

Without hands and knees crawling babies miss out on:

  1. Strengthening the hand muscles which can impact hand writing legibility, formation of letters, and control of a pencil

  2. Decreased postural control strengthening of the upper trunk which can impact handwriting

  3. Decreased core strengthening which can impact gross motor skills such as running, jumping, throwing/catching

  4. Decreased Eye movement and coordination which can impact reading / writting / catching a ball

  5. Decreased isolation of head movements from the body, which can impact coordination

  6. Decreased hip strengthening opportunities which can impact progress toward walking independently (especially if mobility is with booty scooting or army crawling ie neither of those result in neutral hip position weight bearing).

If your child is past 11 months and is not yet crawling on hands / knees, schedule a parent consultation or evaluation here.

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